

Տեղադրեք a, an, the որտեղ անհրաժեշտ է։

It was a nice place with a green trees near the river.  The boys are playing a football in the yard. They spoke much about the modern literature and art. I have an idea of going for a walk as far as the station. Shall we go to London by train or by a bus.

exercise 2

Գրիր փոքրիկ պատում օգտագործելով այս բառերը, վերնագրում եք ձեր պատումը:

I’m traveling

There was a group of travelers, they went to different places to travel. One day they decided  came to Armenia, to met me. I love traveling , I enjoy traveling with them. I showed them Armenia and they liked Armenia so much that they still live here.


  • Նախադասությունները գրեք անցյալ, ներկա շարունակական, ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով:

1. They go to the cinema every Sunday.
They went to the cinema every Sunday.
They is going to the cinema .
They will go to the cinema.

2. She eats ice-cream in summer.
She ate ice-cream in summer.
She is eating ice-cream in summer.
She will eat ice-cream in summer.

3. The boys play football in the yard.
The boy played football in the yard.
The boy is playing football in the yard.
The boy will play football in the yard.

4. The children have got five lessons at school.
The children had got five lessons at school.
The children having got five lessons at school.
The children will have got five lessons at school.

5. Jane usually goes to bed at 10 o’clock.
Jane usually went to bed at 10 o’clock.
Jane usually is going to bed at 10 o’clock .
Jane usually will go to bed at 10 o’clock .

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