
  • Տեքստի ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական:

1.One day a giant moose came to this river.
Did one day a giant moose come to this river?
One day a giant moose didn’t come to this river.

2․All the animals laughed at Fly.
Did all the animals laugh at Fly?
All the animals didn’t  laugh at Fly.

3․ “I will gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away.
will I gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away.
I will not gnaw on that moose’s legs until he runs away.

4.“We need another plan,
Do we need another plan?
We don’t need another plan.

5.“I am the strongest.
Am i the strongest?
I am not the strongest

6.The moose was unable to stop Fly.
Was the moose was unable to stop fly?
The moose wasn’t unable to stop fly.

7.The animals never saw him again.
Did the animals never see him again?
The animals never didn’t see him again.

  • Կապույտով նշված բառերը թարգմանիր:


  • Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները` beautiful
  • Ին՞չ կենդանիներ կան տեքստում, դուրս գրիր, ին՞չ հետաքրքիր փաստեր գիտես կենդանիների մասին, համացանցից դուրս հանիր և պատրաստիր ռադիո նյութ հետևյալ վերնագրերով՝ <<Do you know?>> կամ <<It is intersting to know>>

    Animals are called eukaryotes, they have nucleated cells. The classic characteristics of animals are heterotrophic (ready-to-eat organic compounds are nourished) և ability to move actively. However, either a number of animals that move passively և there are some foods that are heterotrophic but can not yet be part of the animal kingdom.
Animals are usually associated with mammals, but in reality the animal kingdom includes fish, birds, insects, spiders, starfish, worms, and so on. Although man is also part of the animal kingdom, it is always celebrated separately.

Sometimes by animals we mean all living organisms. Sometimes by animals we mean all living organisms.

  • Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը
  1. Why didn’t the other animals think Fly’s plan would work?
    a) Bear was too scared.
    b) Fly was too small.
    c) The moose was too fast.
    d) Fly had a broken wing.

    2) What problem was the moose causing?
    a) He was destroying the animals’ homes.
    b) He was being mean to the animals.
    c) He was drinking too much water.
    d) He was eating all their food.
    3) Which line from the story shows that Fly is determined (strong-minded)?
    a) “I’ll never stop.”
    b) “Hooray for Fly!”
    c) “But the moose is twice your size!”
    d) “So, what’s the plan?”

    4) Fly is the smallest animal in the story. In what way is he the strongest? Explain
    your answer.
    Even the weakest animal can beat the strongest if he uses his brain.

    5) What was the moose doing that made the animals call him a pest?
    He drank all over the river.
    6. How Fly Saved the River
    Fly flew on the moose and started biting .
  • Տեղադրիր a, an, some,  any
  1. Please get ………bread from the baker’s.


b) a

c) an

d) some

2. We need …..money to buy …..present  for ……mother’s Birthday.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

3. Dad, there are …..letters for you.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

4. There aren’t …… books on the shelf.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

5. It is …….elephant.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

6. Thanks a lot. Can I have ……water first?

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

7. It is …………very interesting story about animals.

a) any

b) a

c) an

d) some

  • Կարդա հետևյալ տեղեկությունները կենդանիների մասին և ընտրիր, թե յուրաքանչյուր հատվածը որ կենդանու մասին է՝ cat, dog, hamster, lizard, fish, parrot
  1. It is a good friend. Takes it out for walks every day. Feed it meat and give it water to drink.

It is dog

2.  It needs an aquarium to swim. Change the water and clean the quarium regulary. Feed your pet special food once a day.

It is a fish

3. It needs a warm house. It needs rocks and plants to climb on. Feed it insects, spiders, mice or rats and give it water to drink.

It is a lizard

4. It is very friendly and likes to play outside. It sleeps a lot and needs quiet and warm place to rest. Feed it special biscuits, meat or fish and water to drink.

It is a cat

5. It needs a cage where it can run around and a box to sleep in. Feed your pet seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables and give  water to drink.

It is a hamster

6. It needs a big cage. Don’t forget to clean the cage. Pet your pet fly outside the cage regularly. Feed your pet seeds and give water to drink.

it is a parrot.

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