Grammar;Question tags

Exercise number:A.

2.It’s smaller than the USA, isn’t it?
3.It isn’t Vancouver, Is it?
4.Cities in the USA are much bigger than that, aren’t they?
5.You’ve been there, havn’t you?
6.Wow. You don’t know much about Canada at all,Do you?

Exercise number:B

With negative statements, we usually use a postive question tag.
With be, modal verbs , hva egot and the present perfect we repeat the auxuiliary verb in the tag.
You’ve been there, haven’t you?

With all other verbs, we use do/does or wasn’t, weren’t/ didn’t. People speak French in Canada too, don’t they?

Exercise number;C
He’s American, isn’t he?
She doesn’t like me, does she?
She can come with us,can’t she?
They aren’t from Canada,are they?
They’re from the USA,aren’t they?
She won’t be at the party,will she?
Your favorite food is pasta,isn’t it?
You don’t know my sister, do you?
You’ve been to Italy, haven’t you?
You haven’t got a brother, have you?

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