Պատասխանիր հարցերին։

Where did the Grasshopper live?

A grasshopper lived in the field near a big forest.

What did the Grasshopper do all day long?

He liked to sing and dance very much.And he sang and danced all day long.

Where did the Grasshopper go and look around?

Sometimes he went to the mountains and looked around.

Who was working all day long?

Ant was working all day long.

What was collecting the Ant?

he was gathering winter supplies․

What happened in winter?

When winter came the Grasshopper had nothing to eat.He was hungry and he asked Ant to give him some food. And Ant sade <<Well if you sing and dance all summer and do not work,then you must starve in winter>>

Հիշեք՝ Am, is, are օժանդակ բայեր են, որոնք անցյալում դառնում են ՝was, were

I was, he was, she was, it was բայց՝ We were, you were, they were

հարցակը կազմում ենք օժ:բայերը՝ was, were առաջ բերելով, օրինակ՝ I was a student. Was I a student?, We were at the cinema. Were we at the cinema?

ժխտականի դեպքում օժ:բայերին ավելացնում ենք not մասնիկը, օրինակ՝ I was not a student. կամ I wasn’t a student. We were not at the cinema. կամ We weren’t at the cinema.

Նախադասությունները դարձնել հարցական և ժխտական

They were at the cinema.

Were they at the cinema?

They weren’t at the cinema.

He was a good football player.

Was he a good football player?

He wasn’t a good football player.

I was reading a book.

Was I reading a book.?

I wasn’t readig a book.

We were students 10 years ago.

Were we students 10 years ago.?

We weren’t students 10 years ago.

Տեքստից դուրս գրիր ածականները/ օրինակ՝  գեղեցիկ-beautiful, nice- լավ











8.Choose the best moral for the tale<<The Grasshopper and the Ant>>

-Always get ready for difficult times in future.

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